Holding on to Summer in any season

Here it is already September and those words by Shakespeare ring true, even for me- a person who enjoys all four seasons (yes, even rain and snow). But I am always a bit sad to see summer end. It is my favorite season and no matter how long it is, it never seems long enough. 

Not everyone shares my love of summertime. Some complain about the heat and have reason understandably to do so as temperatures escalate to an overwhelming three digits! Where I live it is a rare occurrence thankfully and temperatures stay more “normal” : in the 80s with 90s and even some 70s sprinkled into the mix. We rarely get the humidity some associate and loathe in summer.

But I am familiar with that sticky feeling where the air is heavy and thick.  Growing up in Western NY that was just part of what we knew as “summer”.  We just somehow as kids lived in it, seeking relief where we could find it: under a shady tree in my Grandfather’s backyard;  riding in my Uncle’s convertible with the top down; going to the beach where we took our blow up rafts into the Lake and rode the waves; running through sprinklers on the lawn,  sucking on Popsicles my Aunt would make in her rainbow colored Tupperware popsicle molds; sitting on the porch as a rain storm came in, listening for thunder-  all the simple pleasures of summer. 

Then there are the sounds and smells of the season that I think of this time of year. And summer does have its own distinct sounds and scents : sizzling hot dogs on the grill, the sound of ice cubes clinking in glasses of iced tea,  the scent of roses, the sound of splashing in the pool; the ice cream man’s truck singing its enticing song;  Coppertone lathered on thick. Coppertone still brings back summer to me in any season . As a teenager the sounds of summer were the endless transistor radios on beach blankets at the Lake that most sounded like summer. Inevitably the Beach Boys would be playing on more than one of them.  It is why the Beach Boys’ music still brings back summer to me even in the coldest of months. 

As September somehow has crept up on us ,stealing that new summer promise we felt back when June arrived,  I still cling to the sweetness of the season. I revel in the kind of day that allows you to do maybe nothing at all but enjoy the sun on your face and that feeling of heat enveloping you when you go out the door. It’s the warm embrace of summer and its sounds, scents and memories that live on even when the calendar says autumn and pumpkin spice in EVERYTHING takes over all too soon.

Summer joys do stay with us year round and those joys include the taste of summer. And one of those distinctly summer tastes are Blueberries, which you can freeze and keep through winter . And to quote one of Robert Frost’s poems…”blueberries as big as the end of your thumb,  Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum In the cavernous pail of the first one to come”

So here are two favorite and delicious blueberry desserts that can bring summer to the table in any season.

Blueberry Cream Pie was introduced to me by my brother Chuck, which I thank him for. But my friend Bonnie has made it far more times than either one of us, I think and it has become one of her signature desserts. The photo is courtesy of Bonnie.

The second recipe is from our friend Alison who I thank for sharing “Valerie Bertinelli’s Blueberry Cake.” The photo is courtesy of Alison.

Blueberry Cream Pie

1 unbaked pie shell


2 1/2 cups blueberries

1 c. sour cream

 2 Tbsp flour

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg beaten

Beat all ingredients except berries until smooth.  Fold in berries and pour into pie shell.  Bake 400 degrees for 25 mins.


3 Tbsp flour

1 1/2 Tbsp butter (softened)

3 Tbsp chopped walnuts or pecans

Mix ingredients together. After the pie has cooked, sprinkle with topping and bake at 400 degrees for an additional 5 to 10 mins.


Valerie Bertinelli’s Blueberry Cake

Blueberry Cake

Link for original recipe is above

8 servings

1 cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, plus more for pan
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened, plus more for pan
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups fresh blueberries
1 teaspoon lemon zest, plus 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice (from 1 lemon)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Powdered sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease and flour an 8-inch springform pan.

2. Whisk together 1 cup of the flour, baking powder, and salt.

3. Beat the granulated sugar, butter, and vanilla with an electric mixer at medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating until blended after each addition. Gradually add the flour mixture, beating at low speed until just blended. Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan.

4. Combine the blueberries, lemon zest, lemon juice, cinnamon, and the remaining 1 tablespoon flour; sprinkle the blueberry mixture evenly over the batter.

5. Bake until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 55 minutes. Cool in the pan about 10 minutes; run a thin knife around the edges of the cake. Remove the cake from the pan, and transfer to a platter. Dust the cake lightly with the powdered sugar. Serve warm or cool completely.

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

5 Replies to “Holding on to Summer in any season”

  1. Love this Roxanne. Your words have so eloquently captured the sounds, smells, and feelings I too experienced as a child. Another smell of summertime I still enjoy is the smell of freshly mowed grass, although I’m not too fond of the sound of the lawn mower 😄 .

    Thank for sharing the blueberry recipes, both of which I would love to try.

    1. Thanks so much Gaylene for your comment and your support❤️ Yes so many sights, sounds and tastes of summer !! Thanks for sharing one of yours.
      And yes definitely try the recipes some time , they are keepers. Bonnie has made the pie more than I have but when we have I always think ..why haven’t we made this more? Definitely a different spin on a traditional blueberry pie and love the crunchy crumble top. Thank again for reading and taking the time to comment.XXOO

  2. Do love summertime as well. And it is obvious if I have made the pie more often than you… it is super easy! 💓

    1. Thanks for reading this Bon and your support. ❤️ we certainly have a lot of summer memories together for sure and know you love summer too.

      You underestimate your baking… The pie looks very artfully done and delicious! XXOO

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