In Celebration of “Constant Friends”

This card by Mary Engelbreit is a favorite of mine and it is timely for right now. It is almost a year since the pandemic hit. I look back at our calendar for January/February 2020 and nearly every weekend was full with play dates, movies out and most of all, dates for getting together with friends. Then all of the sudden it all comes to a halt after the first week of March. The calendar remains bare until it picks up again with outdoor social distance dates in the summer. Then later in the year once cold weather hits, connecting goes back to Zoom happy hour dates/ phone calls and texts   Of course all that is no substitute for face to face visits and for friends that are in another state,  we have not seen each other in over a year. And that is a statement I never would have believed could be true.

But true friendships can be a comforting presence without the pleasure of being physically present.  Being “together” doesn’t always mean being in the same space.  Indeed, there are friends that remain constant in our lives even though we are not face to face.

There is a quote going around that says that one should especially honor friendships that allow you to pick up from where you left off , regardless of how long it’s been since you have connected; and that friendships that survive those silences and space are the ones that never diminish. I would beg to differ somewhat with that. Friendships need communication to survive . You can’t just neglect your garden and expect your flowers to grow!  It’s the same with friendships. Of course one can go without seeing each other and still pick up where one left off months and maybe years later. But without a caring connection in between….the checking in on each other…  the sharing and giving attention to each other.. there is something that is diminished. To me, the friendships that flourish are the ones that may have to withstand distance and spaces,  but still care to keep up with what is happening in each other’s world and what matters to each other. Those are the delightful “constants” in life. Near or far,  they are the ones that make a difference and matter.  

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

Christmas Week Baking

It’s Christmas week and for the first time ever we are “Home for Christmas”  : as in… IN our home for the holiday, as opposed to being “Home for Christmas” in Rochester , NY where we both were born and raised. We always have considered ourselves fortunate to have two homes.  And it has been a 40 year run visiting our East coast home at holiday time, stopped only by the pandemic. Traveling back via two planes and two airports didn’t seem “safe” this year for family there or us.  So we are celebrating as we did at Thanksgiving- here at home.   

Here or there though , the scents of Christmas follow us and are greatly influenced by childhood kitchen memories : the scent of vanilla in sugar cookies that my Aunt Marlene makes every year; the strong aroma of anise that my husband’s mom used in her cut out cookies; and the heavy aroma of rum.  Rum Cake was always a tradition for holidays and birthdays in our household growing up. We would get them at a neighborhood bakery : rummy layers with chocolate chips laced in between and a sugary frosting covered with nuts thrown like confetti on top.  I have yet to duplicate that recipe as hard as I have looked everywhere for something similar. 

But the Pioneer Woman comes through with this rum soaked (literally ) bundt cake.  It is not the sugary confection of my childhood but there is enough of a Rum hit to suffice. I sometimes have added a 1/2 c of coconut to this but this time baked it without.  Any which way one does it,  you HAVE to like rum . And I mean REALLY LIKE rum.  There is a half a cup in the cake and then 3/4 c is used in a syrup which is poured over the cake after poking 100 holes in it. Yes 100 . So the rum is infused into every corner.

Cake or Cocktail ? You be the judge. Cheers!!

for the recipe :

Fresh out of the oven today :

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

Celebrating Thanksgiving

Like many , our Thanksgiving celebration this year was different. We, for 30 plus years, have traveled to the San Francisco area to be with family for the holiday. We always look forward to the road trip with excitement. It is our “kick off” to the holiday season. We always enjoy stopping at the lovely Magnolia Inn, in Jacksonville, Oregon on the way. We enjoy the drive down; the magnificent views of Mt. Shasta; and sharing the holiday with our Aunt Grace. We enjoy the hustle bustle of the whole weekend : shopping in Union Square; seeing the Christmas lights in the city at night and dining in our favorite restaurant overlooking the Wharf. But this year is not the year for travel. So it was dinner for two at our dining room table instead. And although it was different , it was no less special. It reminded me of a package we received from our friend Bonnie, right before the holiday. It set the theme for our Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday to come :

So we “Stayed Cozy” this Thanksgiving. Whether traveling or at home , no matter what the setting, we are so thankful for what we have together and the blessings of family & friends in our life, near or far. And dinner for two & cozying up at home was exactly what felt right this year. We enjoyed my husband’s delicious smoked turkey and cozied up later with a slice of scrumptious Pecan Bourbon Pie ; recipe courtesy of the Pioneer Woman

And since we started putting our Christmas decorations up last weekend we were surrounded by holiday cheer. And in 2020 , we all need an extra helping..or two.. of that !!

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

In celebration of furry friends

I know there is a “National Dog Day” ..and this is not it.

But it seems appropriate to talk about pets this week …as we lost a cherished member of our family : our four legged , brown eyed handsome nephew, Gatsby. And he was THE GREAT GATSBY for sure, living up to his name. Our brother got him in 2009 as a rescue, but I think it was the other way around. He came into our brother’s life at a dark time for him and he brought a much needed bright light. We had also just lost a few months before , our beloved dog Steve. Gatsby came into our lives and stole our hearts too.

I have heard it said that he was an 80 lb lapdog. And it was true. If you were willing, when his paw would go up on your knee , you knew that next he would be cozying up in your lap . Well as cozy as an 80 lb dog can get in one’s lap! But he sure tried and always seemed to succeed in looking totally comfortable even if you weren’t : ) But how could anyone say no to that face?

Not taking anything away from our dogs, who we loved and still love dearly, but Gatsby had the sweetest face of any dog I have known… and the sweetest disposition.

For a big dog he was frightened of many things…small noises, and sometimes if someone came to the door , even someone he knew, he’d balk. Who knows what he endured in the year before our brother rescued him to make him so skittish. But all that was behind him when Gatsby came into his new life. He was loved by not one , but two caring Dads and spent many happy hours with them and his brother the furry handsome Cole, who we imagine right now is sharing a bed with him that is ridiculously too small for them both, but they seemed to always prefer that and make it look totally comfy..

We took care of Gatsby many times and always looked forward to his visits. They always went too quickly. Just seeing that face was enough to make you smile. With his passing this week, it surely doesn’t seem like there is anything to celebrate. But Dogs give us so much and what they give us far outlasts their short years. Gatsby’s presence in all our lives and his continued place in our hearts, is a gift that we will always celebrate and cherish.

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

Celebrate- Chocolate Goodness!

Celebrations don’t have to be marked by holidays on a calendar.  Growing up ,  simple moments just “felt” festive : homemade meals prepared by my grandfather and mother with great pride at a big white stove in the cavernous kitchen with the efficiency of  chefs; our Aunt Rose’s famous meatballs, golf size morsels gracing bowls of sauce laden ziti;  and my Aunt Marlene’s chocolate cake,  made with 3 boys under the age of 6 fighting over who was going to lick the beaters first—just like being the first to open a birthday present.

So that brings me to Chocolate ! And Fresh out of the oven : a version of Barefoot Contessa’s  Chocolate Chunk Blondies !

These remind me a lot of my mom’s favorite chocolate chip bar cookie. That recipe is somehow long gone , but Barefoot Contessa’s Blondies are almost the same , except I added some coconut and I use pecans instead of the walnuts in the original. And you use chocolate chunks instead of chocolate chips  So it packs more of a chocolate punch… and what’s not to celebrate about that ?!

Chocolate Chunk Blondies- 


1/2 lb (2 sticks ) unsalted butter , at room temp.

1 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2 extra-large eggs, at room temperature

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1 1/2 cups chopped pecans

1 1/4 pounds semisweet chocolate chunks   ( but I have also  used 12 oz semi sweet  chocolate chips)

1/2 c or a more of Coconut.

Directions :

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 9X13 pan

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar on high speed for 3 minutes, until light and fluffy.

With the mixer on low, add the vanilla, then the eggs, one at a time, and mix well, scraping down the bowl. In a small bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda and salt and with the mixer still on low, slowly add flour mixture to the butter mixture. Fold the pecans, chocolate chunks or chips and coconut.

Spread the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top.

Bake for 30 minutes exactly. Don’t overbake!

Cool completely in the pan and cut into bars

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.

Souvenir of Summer

Summer is but a memory. But in our autumn garden right now the Patsy Cline Rose is blooming . It’s a beautiful variegated rose, with a shock of red and pink. It’s a lovely souvenir of summer.  We are “Crazy ” for it . And that it is still blooming in November … is cause for celebration!

© 2020 – 2024 Every Day is a Holiday. All rights reserved.