In celebration of furry friends

I know there is a “National Dog Day” ..and this is not it.

But it seems appropriate to talk about pets this week …as we lost a cherished member of our family : our four legged , brown eyed handsome nephew, Gatsby. And he was THE GREAT GATSBY for sure, living up to his name. Our brother got him in 2009 as a rescue, but I think it was the other way around. He came into our brother’s life at a dark time for him and he brought a much needed bright light. We had also just lost a few months before , our beloved dog Steve. Gatsby came into our lives and stole our hearts too.

I have heard it said that he was an 80 lb lapdog. And it was true. If you were willing, when his paw would go up on your knee , you knew that next he would be cozying up in your lap . Well as cozy as an 80 lb dog can get in one’s lap! But he sure tried and always seemed to succeed in looking totally comfortable even if you weren’t : ) But how could anyone say no to that face?

Not taking anything away from our dogs, who we loved and still love dearly, but Gatsby had the sweetest face of any dog I have known… and the sweetest disposition.

For a big dog he was frightened of many things…small noises, and sometimes if someone came to the door , even someone he knew, he’d balk. Who knows what he endured in the year before our brother rescued him to make him so skittish. But all that was behind him when Gatsby came into his new life. He was loved by not one , but two caring Dads and spent many happy hours with them and his brother the furry handsome Cole, who we imagine right now is sharing a bed with him that is ridiculously too small for them both, but they seemed to always prefer that and make it look totally comfy..

We took care of Gatsby many times and always looked forward to his visits. They always went too quickly. Just seeing that face was enough to make you smile. With his passing this week, it surely doesn’t seem like there is anything to celebrate. But Dogs give us so much and what they give us far outlasts their short years. Gatsby’s presence in all our lives and his continued place in our hearts, is a gift that we will always celebrate and cherish.

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